Dialogue Evaluation 2022


Russian artificial text detection

Github repository

Telegram group chat

Kaggle: binary task

Kaggle: multi task

Key dates

  • 17 January 2022 – launch of the shared task
  • 7 March 2022, 9 am (GTM+3) – final submission deadline
  • 8 March 2022 - preliminary results
  • 9-13 March 2022 - official results
  • 25 March 11:59 am (GTM+3) 2022 –paper submission deadline

Modern large language models for text generation show impressive results: they can compose a poem, change the style of texts, and even write a meaningful essay on a free topic. However, such models can be used for malicious purposes, such as generating fake news, automatic product reviews, and fake political content. Thus, a new task arises: to learn to distinguish texts written by a human from texts generated by neural models.

The RuATD (Russian Artificial Text Detection) Dialogue Shared task is dedicated to the problem of automatic recognition of generated texts. We suggest two tracks:

  1. Determine if the text was generated automatically or written by a human (binary classification);
  2. Determine which model from the list was used to generate this text (multi-class classification).