Dialogue 2023: Information

We are pleased to announce that the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Technologies "Dialogue" will be held ONLINE from June 14 to 17.

Dialog offers for discussion a wide range of problems and practical tasks of computational linguistics all the way from linguistic research to technological solutions in the final product. Papers in the following areas are invited to the conference:

  • Intelligent Document Processingclassification, Name Entity & Relation Extraction, sammarization, generation, sentiment analysis, Argumentation Mining, Propaganda & Fake News Detection, etc., multimodal approaches to language analysis (at the junction of NLP and Computer Vision);
  • Deep learning in computational linguistics: application methods, meaningful linguistic interpretation;
  • Computational Linguistic Resources: new datasets and new scenarios and markup types, Evaluation Benchmarks;
  • Computer Analysis of Social Media;
  • Corpus linguistics and corpus geometry: methods of creating, using and evaluating corpora and datasets;
  • Computer semantics: from analytical to distribution models;
  • Linguistic ontologies and automatic knowledge extraction;
  • Multi-channel communication: analytical and neural models of the speech act;
  • Linguistic communication models and dialog agents;
  • Linguistic analysis of the text: morphology, syntax, semantics (analysis models);
  • Computer lexicography;
  • Field computational linguistics: methods of creating and transferring language models for low-resource languages.

The conference program includes plenary sessions, special and poster sessions, round tables, demonstrations of software systems, workshops. The papers accepted for submission based on the results of the review are published in the materials of the conference (RSCI). About 70 papers selected by reviewers are published in the yearbook "Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Technologies" (SCOPUS).

Dialogue Evaluation. As usual, within the framework of the "Dialogue", the results of the tests conducted will be summed up and the conditions for new ones will be discussed. This year it is planned to conduct tests on several tasks, including:

  • Coreference Resolution (RuCoCo);
  • Sentiment Analysis for Named Entities in News Texts (RuSentNE);
  • Semantic markup (SEMarkup);
  • Question Answering (RECEIPT-AVQA-2023).

More detailed information about the competitions is available on the Dialog website in the Dialogue Evaluation section.

Student session. Traditionally, within the framework of the main directions of the "Dialogue", a student poster session will be held. The accepted papers will be published in a special section on the conference website. The conditions for accepting works for the student session can be viewed on the website here.

On the principles of the selection of reports for the "Dialogue"

"Dialogue" is fundamentally interdisciplinary and focused on communication between linguists and developers of applied linguistic technologies. We ask everyone who plans to participate in the "Dialogue" to take this tradition into account when choosing the topics, content, and form of your speeches.

We ask the authors of the submitted reports to consider when selecting material for the Dialogue that the conference belongs to the field of computational linguistics, even if it is not explicitly indicated in the name of some direction. Papers in which the specifics of the Dialogue are not taken into account in any way cannot be accepted. Our reviewers will pay special attention to the presence in theoretical reports of a clearly formulated and solved constructive task, and in applied research - a verifiable result obtained on adequate language material.

The procedure for submitting papers

Papers are submitted via the CMT Internet system (a link to the system will be available on the website from January 15) and are drawn up strictly according to templates. Templates in Word and LaTex can be found here.

Main dates:

Submission of full texts of papers: until 10 17 March 11:59 pm (GTM+3)

Submission of papers by the participants of the DE competitions: 1 8 April 11:59 pm (GTM+3)

Distribution of the results of the review: from April 25

Submission of papers for the proceedings: from May 10

Publication of the conference program: after June 1

The conference will be held from June 14 to 17

Submission of papers for the student session: from April 22 to May 20

Please note that all relevant information for conference participants, including clarification of dates and deadlines, will be published on the website and in Telegram channel «Dialog-21».

The newsletter will not be used to publish news.

If you have any questions, please contact the conference secretary: dialogue.secretary@gmail.com.

We will be glad to see you at the conference!