Azarova I. V. , St.Petersburg State University
Apresyan V.Yu. Russian Language Institute n.a. V.V.Vinogradov, Russian Academy of Sciences
Baglei S.G. Antonov A.V. Meshkov V.S. Titov A.V. Galaktika Corporation, Moscow
Batalina A.M. Epifanov M.E. Kobzareva T.J. Kushnareva E.V. Lakhuti D.G. Russian State University for Humanities
Belov A. A. Volovich M. M. «Ashmanov i Partnery», «Poiskovyje technologiji», Moscow
Mira B. Bergelson Moscow State University
Alexander Berdichevsky * Boris Iomdin ** * Moscow State University n.a. M. V.Lomonosov, ** Russian Language Institute n.a. V.V.Vinogradov, Russian Academy of Sciences
Birialtcev E.V., Gusenkov A.M. Kazan State University
Bogdanov A.V.. Moscow Lomonosov State University
Igor M.Boguslavsky Leonid L. Iomdin Victor G. Sizov Institute for Information Transmission Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences
E.I. Bolshakova N.V. Baeva E.A. Bordachenkova N. E. Vasilieva S. S. Morozov Moscow State University, Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics
Bonch-Osmolovskaya A.A., Rakhilina E.V. , Reznikova T.I.
E.G.Borisova Moscow State university of Press
Braslavski P. Sokolov E. Institute of Engineering Science, UD RAS, Ekaterinburg
Brykina M. Moscow State University
Budyanskaya E.M., Kotov A.A.Institute of Linguistics, Russian State University for Humanities
Buras M. M. Applied Communications Centre Krongauz M.A. Russian State University for the Humanities
Christian Chiarcos University of Potsdam
K.Chubinidze A.Ezhov A.Gromov A.Kusova CONVERA LLC
Dobrovol'skij D.O. Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Language Institute
Emashova O.A. Malkovsky M.G. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics
Ermakov A.E. RCO LLC
Yermakov M.V. Russian State University for the Humanities
Gelbukh A.F. 1, Sidorov G.O.1, Chanona-Hernandez L.2 1Natural Language and Text processing Laboratory, Center for Research in Computer Science National Polytechnic Institute Mexico City, Mexico 2Faculty of Electric and Mechanical Engineering National Polytechnic Institute Mexico City, Mexico
Gordeev S. S. Azarova I. V.St.Petersburg State University
Горностай Т. Васильев А. Скадиня И. Скадиньш Р. Tilde Company, Riga
Grishina Elena Institute of Russian Language, RAS
Gruntov I.A. Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences
Iagounova E. V. St. Petersburg State University
Karvovskaja E.A. Russian State University for the Humanities
Andrej A. Kibrik Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences Evgenija V. Prozorova Moscow State University
Kibrik A. E. Arkhipov A. V. Daniel M. A. Kodzasov S. V. Moscow State University Myers Tom N-Topus Software Nakhimovsky A. D. Colgate University
Vitali Kiselov Ivan Tampel Marina Tatarnikova Yuri Khokhlov Speech Technology Center, St. Petersburg, Russia
Kobzareva T.Yu. Russian State University for the Humanities
Kobozeva I. M. Moscow State University
Koval S.L., Labutin P.V., Pehovsky T.S., Proschina E.A.,Smirnova N.S.,Talanov A.O. Speech Technology Center, St. Petersburg, Russia
Koval S.L. Panova Е.А. Speech Technology Center, St. Petersburg, Russia
Kodzasov S.V. Arkhipov A.V. Bonch- Osmolovskaya A.A. Zakharov L.M. Krivnova O.F. Moscow State University
Kozhunova O.S. Zatsman I.M. Institute for Informatics Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Kozerenko E. B. Institute for Informatics Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Koit M. Roosmaa T. Oim H. University of Tartu
Kondratenko N.V. Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University
Kopotev M. V. University of Helsinki, Finland Gurin G. B. Petrozavodsk State University, Russia
Olga Krasavina Moscow State University / Humboldt University of Berlin, Department of German Language and Linguistics
Kreydlin G.E. Russian State University for the Humanities
Sergej A. Krylov Sergej A. Starostin Institute of Oriental Studies of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow; Institute of System Analysis of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow; Russian State University for the Humanities
Kuznetsov I.P. Matskevich A.G. Institute for Informatics Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Lande D.V. Brajchevskiy S.M. Grigorjev A.N. Darmokhval A.T. Radetskiy A.B. ElVisti Information Center, Kiev
N. Laufer
Levontina I.B. Russian Language Institute — Vinogradov Institute
A. P. Leontyev Moscow State University / ABBYY Software House
Leontyeva N.N. Research Computing Center of Moscow State University
Alexander Letuchiy Vinogradov Russian language Institute, Moscow
Li I.V.
Lobanov B.M. Davydov A.G. United Institute of Informatics Problems, National Academy of Science of the Republic of Belarus
Lobanov B.M. Tsirulnik L.I. United Institute of Informatics Problems, National Academy of Science of the Republic of Belarus
Loukachevitch N. V. Dobrov B. V.Research Computing Center of Moscow State University, Center for Information Research
Lashevskaja O.N. VINITI RAN, Moscow
Mitrofanova О.А. Mukhin А.S. Panicheva P.V. St. Petersburg State University
Nosenko N. Moscow State University
Nevzorova O.A. Nevzorov V.N. Pjatkin N.V. Zin 'kina J. V. Chebotarev Research Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Kazan State Technical University
Paducheva E. V. VINITI RAN, Moscow
Anna G. Pazelskaya ABBYY Software House
Petrova M.A. ABBYY Software House; Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences
Pirogova J. Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics, State University Higher School of Economics
Podlesskaya Vera Russian State University for the Humanities
Rogov A.A. Sidorov Yu.V. Solopova A.I., Surovtsova T.G Petrozavodsk State University
Rozina R.I. Vinogradov 's Russian Language Institute
Valery Sh. Rubashkin St. Petersburg State University
Salomatina N.V. Gusev V.D. Institute of Mathematics
Semenova S.Yu. Institute of Scientific Information on Humane Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Smirnova N.S. Speech Technology Center
Serge Sharoff University of Leeds
Suleymanov D.Sh. Nevzorova O.A. Gatiatullin A.R. Gilmullin R.A. Ayupov M.M., Pyatkin N. V.
Shemanaeva O.Ju. Kustova G.I. Lashevskaja O.N. Rakhilina E.V. VINITI RAN
Tatiana Sherstinova Gregory Martynenko St. Petersburg State University
Elena G. Sokolova Russian State University for the Humanities Michael V. Boldasov Luxoft
A.S. Starostin M.G. Malkovsky Moscow State University
Shmeleva E. Vinogradov Institute of Russian Language, Russian Academy of Sciences Shmelev A. Moscow Pedagogical State University
Tsirulnik L.I. Zhadinets D.V. Lobanov B.M. Sizonov O.G. United Institute of Informatics Problems, National Academy of Science of the Republic of Belarus
Tsirulnik L.I. Lobanov B.M. United Institute of Informatics Problems, National Academy of Science of the Republic of Belarus
Uryson E.V. V.V.Vinogradov Institute of Russian Language, RAS
Voskresenskij A.L. ANO «College of management, law & information technologies MESI», Moscow Khakhalin G.K. Independent researcher, Moscow
Yanko T.E. Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences
Yanovich I. ABBYY, MSU, Gruntova L. ABBYY
Yudina M.Moscow State University
Yudina M.V.1 Yanovich I.S.1,2 Fedorova O. V.1
Zhuravleva A., Koval S.L. Speech Technology Center, St. Petersburg, Russia
Zalizniak Anna A. Institute of linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences
Zaretskaya E.N. Academy for National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation
Zakharov V.P. Institute for Linguistic Studies St. Petersburg State University
Zakharov L.M. Kazakevich O.A. Moscow State University
Anton Zimmerling