Материалы конференции DIALOGUE 2023

10:00 - 12:00 / Зал А

Ведущий Сергей Шаров

Computer Text Analysis (Eng)

Lukichev Daniil, Bystrova Anastasia, Kryanina Darya, Tikhonova Maria, Fenogenova Alena

Parameter-efficient tuning of transformer models for Anglicism detection and substitution in Russian

Kataeva Veronika, Khodorchenko Maria

Attention-based estimation of topic model quality

Gerasimenko Nikolai, Chernyavskiy Alexander, Nikiforova Maria, Ianina Anastasia, Vorontsov Konstantin

Incremental Topic Modeling for Scientific Trend Topics Extraction

Veselov Arseniy, Eremeev Maksim, Vorontsov Konstantin

Estimating cognitive text complexity with aggregation of quantile-based models

10:30 - 12:00 / Зал В

Ведущий Дмитрий Добровольский

Linguistic Semantics /Лингвистическая семантика (Rus)

Chuikova Oksana, Gorbova Elena

Frequency dynamics as a criterion for differentiating inflection and word formation (in relation to Russian aspectual pairs)

Shmeleva Elena, Levontina Irina

Whose word? Problems of lexicographic representation of ideologically marked words (the lexicon of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict)

Shmelev Alexei

Is it possible to make the Russian punctuation rules more explicit?

12.00 - 12.30 / Перерыв

12:30 - 14:00 / Зал А

Ivanov Vladimir, Elbayoumi Mohamed

A new dataset for sentence-level complexity in Russian

Tikhonova Maria, Fenogenova Alena

Text simplification as a controlled text style transfer task

Laposhina Antonina

Text complexity as a non-discrete value: Russian L2 text complexity dataset annotation based on Elo ratings

12:30 - 14:00 / Зал В

Pekelis Olga

Russian additive particles "takže" and "tože": a synchronic and diachronic perspective

Zalizniak Anna A., Dobrovolskij Dmitrij

Parallel corpus as a tool for semantic analysis: The Russian discourse marker stalo byt' (‘consequently’)

Chuikova Oksana

Partitive genitive in Russian: dictionary and corpus data

14:00 - 15:30 / Кофе-брейк

15:30 - 17:00 / Зал А

Ведущий Иван Смуров

Language Models, Generation (Eng)

Mikhaylovskiy Nikolay

Autocorrelations Decay in Texts and Applicability Limits of Language Models

Fenogenova Alena, Kozlova Anastasia

Fact-checking benchmark for the Russian Big Language Models

Vychegzhanin Sergey, Kotelnikova Anastasia, Sergeev Alexander, Kotelnikov Evgeny

MaxProb: Controllable Story Generation from Storyline

15:30 - 17:00 / Зал В

Ведущая Ольга Пеклис

Quasi-posters. CoLing (10 + 5 мин.) (Rus/Eng)

Zhivotova Alena, Berdonosov Victor

Pre-editing Strategy Based on Automatic Evaluation of Translation Complexity to Improve the Quality of Specialized Texts Machine Translation into English

Chaga Aleksandra

Binary classification model as a tool to detect sentences with microsyntactic units

Ubaleht Ivan

Development of a Morphological Analyser for Siberian Ingrian Finnish

Evdokimova Alexandra

Corpus of Accentuated Byzantine Written Monuments and Methods of Its Markup

Budennaya Evgeniya, Bazhukov Maxim, Barkova Liubov, Kharlamova Darya, Dugrichilov Akhmed, Reznikova Tatiana, Yakovleva Anastasia, Litvintseva Kristina, Andreeva Anastasia

Диахроникон: новый ресурс для изучения русских конструкций в микродиахронической перспективе

Muravyev Nikita, Buzanov Anton, Kukushkina Maria, Gordeev Nikita, Makarchuk Ilya

The Typological Constructicon database

17:00 - 17:30 / Перерыв

17:30 - 19:30 / Зал А

Ведущий Эдуард Клышинский

Quasi-posters NLP (10 + 5 min.) (Eng)

Buyanov Igor, Yaskova Darya, Sochenkov Ilya

Who is answering to whom? Modeling reply-to relationships in Russian asynchronous chats

Smilga Veronika, Petukhova Ksenia, Zharikova Dilyara

Abstract User Goals in Open-Domain Dialog Systems

Margolina Anastasia, Kolmogorova Anastasia

Exploring Evaluation Techniques in Controlled Text Generation: A Comparative Study of Semantics and Sentiment in ruGPT3large-Generated and Human-Written Movie Reviews

Turganbay Raushan, Evseev Dmitry, Surkov Viacheslav, Drobyshevskiy Mikhail

Generative Question Answering Systems over Knowledge Graphs and Text

Zykova Veronika, Klyshinsky Edward

Remus, Lupin and Moony Walk in a Bar… Grouping of Proper Names Related to the Same Denotation in Large Literary Texts Collections

Grabovoy Andrey, Chekhovich Yury, Potyashin Ivan, Kaprielova Mariam, Kildyakov Alexandr, Finogeev Evgeny, Seil Temirlan

HWR200: New open access dataset of handwritten texts images in Russian

Student Track:

Agliullin Kamil

A Simple but Effective Approach to Cross-domain Nested Named Entity Recognition

17:30 - 19:00 / Зал В

Ведущая Ольга Ляшевская

Quasi-posters. CoLing (10 + 5 мин.) (Rus/Eng)

Silvia Luraghi, Erica Biagetti, Chiara Zanchi, Villa Luca Brigada

Enhancing the semantic and conceptual description of Ancient Greek verbs in WordNet with VerbNet and FrameNet: a treebank-based study

Claudia Roberta Combei, Antonio Bianco, Chiara Zanchi

Painting the Senate #Green: A Corpus Study of Twitter Sentiment Towards the Italian Environmentalist Blitz

Student Track:

Makarov Yury

Computational Study of Shughni Phonotactics

Kostina Ekaterina

Синтаксические особенности спонтанных монологов-рассказов об отдыхе на русском языке: психолингвистический аспект

Mosolova Alissa

Сопоставительный анализ морфопарсеров корейского языка

19:30 - 21:30 / Зал А

Ведущая Татьяна Шаврина

Круглый стол: All you need to know about the ChatGPT Tsunami (Rus)

Спикеры: Татьяна Шаврина, Сергей Шаров, Михаил Бурцев, Сергей Марков