Materials of DIALOGUE 2021

10:00 - 14:00 / Section A

moderated by Podlesskaya Vera, Korotaev Nikolay, Fedorova Olga

Multimodal Linguistics

Korotaev Nikolay

Parenthetical constructions in Russian spoken discourse: Basic types and prosodic features

Yanko Tatiana

The prosody of spoken dialogue

Kotov Artemy, Zinina Anna, Zaidelman Liudmila, Arinkin Nikita

Generative Classification of Elements of Nonverbal Communication

Podlesskaya Vera, Pozhilov Yury

Semantics, Grammar and Prosody of parentheticals introduced by the Subordinator kak ‘as’

Fedorova Olga

Oculomotor Everyday Communication: How to Pick A Good Metric

Rudneva Ekaterina

Switching to Work in an Inclusivity Workshop: Multimodal Analysis of Interaction

Korzun Vladislav, Dimov Ilya

Audio and Text-Driven approach for Conversational Gestures Generation

10:00 - 14:00 / Section B

moderated by Smurov Ivan

RuNormAS-2021: a shared task on Russian Normalization of Annotated Spans

Smurov Ivan, Zolotukhin Denis

RuNormAS-2021: A Shared Task on Russian Normalization of Annotated Spans

Anastasyev Daniil

Annotated Span Normalization as a Sequence Labelling Task

Emelyanov Anton

Using RuGPT3-XL Model for RuNormAS competition

12:00 - 14:00 / Секция В

moderated by Dobrovolsky Vladimir

Syntax and Morphology

Bolshakova Elena, Sapin Alexander

Building Dataset and Morpheme Segmentation Models for Russian Word Forms

Pletnev Sergey

Reflections of syntactic structures in non-autoregressive language models

Michurina Maria, Ivoylova Aleksandra, Selegey Daniil, Kopylov Nikolay

Morphological Annotation of Social Media Corpora with Reference to Its Reliability for Linguistic Research

Mityushin Leonid, Iomdin Leonid

Experiments on Human Incremental Parsing of English

14:00 - 15:30 / Break

15:00 - 18:00 / Section A

moderated by Selegey Vladimir

Poster session

Velichko Alena, Karpov Alexey

Automatic Detection of Deceptive and Truthful Paralinguistic Information in Speech using Two-Level Machine Learning Model

Khomenko Anna

Linguistic Modeling as A Basis for Creating Authorship Attribution Software

Safaryan Anna, Filchenkov Petr, Kutsev Dmitry, Yan Weijia, Kutuzov Andrey, Nikishina Irina

RusNLP: A Bilingual Semantic Search Engine for Academic Papers

Kulagin Denis

Publicly Available Sentiment Dictionary for The Russian Language

Semenov Kirill, Korotkova Yulia, Konovalova Aleksandra, Volf Elena

Automatic Annotation of the Chinese Texts that Contain Loanwords: Word Segmentation, Transcription, PoS-tagging

Biryukova Ekaterina

Semantic-based Alignment Algorithm for A Russian-Japanese Bilingual Parallel Corpus

Vilinbakhova Elena

Russian comparison constructions with identical word forms

Pimenova Natalia

Perebrat'sja and Peremestit'sja

Zakovorotnaya Eugenia

Digital Archive of The Literary Magazine with The Pre-Reform Spelling «Otechestvennye Zapiski» (1839-1884)

Fufaeva Irina, Sobko Ekaterina

The Usage of Gender-neutral Friendly Addresses in the Russian Language on the Example of the Address Chuvak ‘Dude’

Nikolaeva Yulia, Evdokimova Alexandra, Budennaya Evgeniya

Anaphoric demonstratives in multimodal communication

Berberov Ali, Berberova Liana

«Duty of The Fish Is Revolution»: Karachay-Balkar Palindromes

Petukhova Anna, Sokur Elena

Creating a Spoken Corpus of Yakut-Russian Code-Switching

Tarasov Roman, Orekhov Artem

HSE Tropative Database: Typological Issues and Programming Decisions

Simanychev Aleksandr

Сode-Switching in Online Communication of The Russian Migrants in Germany

Vvedensky Victor

Thesaurus of Russian Adjectives, Organized into An Array of Linearly Ordered Groups of Semantically Close Words

Bērziņš Ansis Ataols

Metrics of Hierarchical Choices

15:00 - 18:00 / Section A

Student session

Balueva Daria

Periodization of An Author’s Oeuvre Based On Quantitative Features

Panchenko Yulia

Answers To Negative Polar Questions in Russian

Popova Tatiana

Pragmatic Annotation of Corpus Data in the Social Roles` Aspect`

Firsanova Viktoria

Autism Spectrum Disorder Question Answering Dataset

Sulimova Tatiana

The Features of the Pragmatic Marker `Znachit `in Russian Oral Speech

Pavlova Aleksandra

Research of The Differences in Representation of Linguistic Features in Genres

Chaga Aleksandra

On A Specific Russian Construction With Saturative Verbs and Negation

Dmitriev Danil, Shkunkov Arseny

Named Entity Normalization with RuBERT for Ending Classifcation

Komleva Evgenia, Anastasyev Daniil

Sentence Simplification for Russian using Transfer Learning

18:00 - 18:30 / Closing