Materials of DIALOGUE 2014


Morning session. Linguistic semantics

Moderated by T. Yanko

Dobrovol’skij D.O., Levontina I.B.

Discourse Words in General Questions: Russian-German Near-Equivalents

Uryson E. V.

On Derived Prepositions: Adverbal Prepositions

Iomdin B. L., Lopukhina А. А., Nosyrev G. V.

Towards a Word Sense Frequency Dictionary

Milichevich J., Timoshenko S.

Towards a Fine-Grained Description of Intensifying Adjectives for Text Processing


Computational semantics

Antonova A., Misyurev A.

Automatic Creation of Human-Oriented Translation Dictionaries

Lyashevskaya O.N., Kashkin E.V.

Evaluation of Frame-Semantic Role Labeling in a Case-Marking Language

Dikonov V.G., Poritski V.V.

A Virtual Russian Sense Tagged Corpus and Catching Errors in a Russian ↔ Semantic Pivot Dictionary


Afternoon session. Computational semantics

Moderated by O. Lyashevskaya

15.00-16.00 / Invited Speaker

Marco Baroni

Multimodal and Cross-modal Distributional Semantics: Towards Common Semantic Space for Words and Things

Loukachevitch N.V., Dobrov B.V., Chetviorkin I.I.

RuThes-Lite, a Publicly Available Version of Thesaurus of Russian Language RuThes

Vorontsov K. V., Potapenko A. A.

Regularization of Probabilistic Topic Models to Improve Interpretability and Determine the Number of Topics

Borschev V.B., Partee B.H.

Ontology and Integration of Formal and Lexical Semantics

Paducheva E. V.

Suspended Assertion and Nonveridicality


Round table: Models of computational semantics

Moderated by L. Iomdin